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Young black men are being railroaded by campus sexual assault claims (Campus Roundup Ep. 34)

Young black men are being railroaded by campus sexual assault claims. One prominent journalist noted that while black men make up about 6 percent of college undergraduates they are “vastly overrepresented” when it comes to being wrongly accused of sexual assault. A scholar from Harvard pointed out male students of color are accused and punished at “unreasonably high” rates. Other observers have suggested there’s “parallels between the treatment of Black men accused of rape during the infamous Jim Crow period, and the adjudication of sexual assault cases in the current era.”

In the latest episode of Campus Roundup, we discuss this trend as well as the overall lack of due process for all males on campuses across the nation. The show features Cynthia Garrett, co-president of Families Advocating for Campus Equality.

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