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Yale official: No evidence of ‘white girls only’ frat party

Claims that a Sigma Alpha Epsilon member repeatedly told a crowd of people trying to get into a Halloween party “white girls only,” and letting only blond women enter, cannot be substantiated, a Yale official has announced.

An investigation into the allegations “found no evidence of systematic discrimination against people of color,” Dean Jonathan Holloway said in a recent statement to the campus community.

Holloway’s conclusion falls in line with what frat members have said all along – that the claims were not true.

Holloway noted:

Students inside the party reported that early in the evening, before the party became crowded, guests were granted admission on a first-come basis; men and women of color were among those admitted. …

When the investigation focused on what hosts had said specifically, two students provided credible accounts that they were told, or heard either one or two SAE members say, “white girls only” as they were seeking admission to the party, although the SAE members interviewed denied making these statements and nobody else who was interviewed heard the statements.

RELATED: Yale fraternity denies hearsay that it told minorities ‘white girls only’ at Halloween party

What really happened, an SAE member told The Washington Post, is that once the party reached capacity they had to turn people away, and a woman who was denied entrance angrily screamed: “It’s because I’m black, isn’t it?”

Yale’s investigation, however, did find that “SAE created a chaotic environment, and that members at times behaved disrespectfully and aggressively toward students seeking admission.”

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About the Author
Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.