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Wisc. legislators may look at UW admissions after report

A state legislator is calling for a review of the University of Wisconsin’s admission practices after an organization released a study that labels higher admission rates among black and Latino students at UW as discriminatory.

The report, released by the conservative Center for Equality Opportunity, purports the university’s holistic admission practices, which factor race and ethnicity into acceptance decisions, gives heavy preference to black and Hispanic students over their white and Asian counterparts in both undergraduate and law school admissions.

[…] As a result of the findings, Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, issued a statement calling for an oversight hearing to review the “possibly illegal” process. Nass chairs the Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities.

“The study raises serious allegations against the UW System that they would use race and ethnicity as a core admissions test,” said Mike Mikalsen, a spokesperson for Nass. “It seems to show numerous students are being bypassed, with hundreds of more qualified students not being admitted.”

Mikalsen said the hearing, which would be scheduled in the upcoming weeks, could lead to the drafting of new legislation concerning the issues at hand or a request being made to the attorney general for formal review.

Read the full story at the Badger Herald.


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