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Veteran profile: Mike Marek, Iraq War veteran

Mike Marek, a freshman in the Krannert School of Management and Iraq vveteran, has suffered from the tragedies of war.

During his first deployment, 24 of the 300 men in his unit died. “I remember brushing my teeth in the bathroom with this guy, just making jokes, and four days later he was dead,” Marek said.

During his second deployment only one man died, but he died in Marek’s arms.

“Two explosives hit the side of the humvee; this guy just had no chance,” Marek said.

He had signed up for three years of service, but there is a clause in the contract that states they must be available to serve for a total of eight years for any kind of service. Marek was called upon because of this stop-loss policy to serve an extra two years.

Marek said, “It was an honor to be called upon by my country in a time of need. It made my second deployment even better.”

Read the full story at the Purdue Exponent.

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