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Univ. of Wisconsin, state to look at admissions practices

A Wisconsin Assembly committee will hold a hearing on charges that the University of Wisconsin discriminates against white and Asian students in the admissions process.

The study, released last month by the Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO), argued Wisconsin discriminate based on race and ethnicity in the admissions process, and in doing so, discriminate against white and Asian students. The center periodically releases studies like this, including one earlier this year on The Ohio State University and Miami University.

Rep. Steve Nass has called the hearing, which will hear testimonies from UW officials, and will be open to the public.

“The study raises serious allegations against the UW System that they would use race and ethnicity as a core admissions test,” Mike Mikalsen, a spokesperson for Nass, told the Badger Herald last month. “It seems to show numerous students are being bypassed, with hundreds of more qualified students not being admitted.”

The College Fix spoke with Roger Clegg, the president of CEO, last month about the studies and Wisconsin’s admissions future.

[Badger Herald]

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