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UNC Hires Dedicated Administrator to Handle Title IX Complaints

The Daily Tar Heel reports:

After weeks of allegations that accuse high-level administrators of protecting rapists, the University is beginning an attempt to mend a damaged relationship with sexual assault victims — and to reform its system.

Defying a tendency to address sexual assault strictly within the University, administrators have turned to two outside experts this week.

On Tuesday, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Winston Crisp announced the appointment of Ew Quimbaya-Winship as UNC’s Deputy Title IX Officer, or student complaint coordinator, who will be the initial contact for sexual assault victims starting March 11.

That announcement comes on the heels of the University’s decision to consult Gina Smith, a nationally known expert on sexual violence, to review and improve UNC’s policies and climate surrounding sexual assault.

The consultation of Smith came after a complaint was filed by three students, one former student and a former administrator with the Department of Education. It accused UNC of falsifying the number of sexual assaults it reported to the federal government, among other things.

Read the full story here.

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