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UK student union pres. concerned more with Islamophobia than terrorism after London attack

The president of the National Union of Students (NUS) urged college attendees in the United Kingdom to “be aware of the concerns of Muslim, migrant and racialised students” in the aftermath of Wednesday’s terror attack in London.

In a statement, Malia Bouattia offered a few short lines about the victims of the attack; however, as the Daily Mail reports, the majority of the letter dealt with Islamophobia worries.

“I also want to extend our solidarity to the many Muslims and migrants who at this time will be especially fearful of racism and abuse,” Bouattia wrote. “We must stand firm against all attempts to stoke up Islamophobia or intolerance against migrants of any nationality, especially at a time of increased hate crime against many communities across society.”

She went on to note the attack should not be used to curtail civil rights protections, nor tighten border enforcement.

She made no mention of the police officer killed in the incident.

From Daily Mail story:

Colonel Richard Kemp, who served in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Balkans and Northern Ireland and now works as a writer and media commentator, said Ms Bouattia has an ‘anti-British agenda.’

Col. Kemp told MailOnline: ‘This statement could easily be a parody. Instead of any acknowledgement of the police officers who ended the jihadist rampage that otherwise could have killed or wounded more students, Malia Bouattia predictably uses this horrific event to attack the government’s counter-terrorist strategy.

‘The very strategy that seeks to prevent such atrocities. She prefers to pontificate about a non-existent ‘islamophobic’ response than to condemn the attack itself.

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‘Her statement almost seems to be trying to justify [terrorist] Khalid Masood’s actions as a defence of her fantasies about racism and xenophobia.

‘All intelligent students who do not share her anti-British agenda should reject this self-serving and misleading statement.’

Bouattia also stated in her letter that, in addition to the victims of the London attack, “all the victims of war and terror around the world” should be remembered:

Let us appreciate one another and remind ourselves that the strength of our movement comes from its diversity and unity. Let us recommit ourselves to building a movement that stands firm against racism and xenophobia, is vigilant against attempts to divide us, and fights to build a more just and safer world.

In 2014, then-Black Students Officer Bouattia referred to a NUS proposed “condemnation of terrorist atrocities and support for the Iraqi people” as a “justification for war.”

As NUS president, Bouattia last summer claimed that things such as education privatization lead to people joining ISIS.

According to its website the National Union of Students is a “confederation of 600 students’ unions, amounting to more than 95 per cent of all higher and further education unions in the UK.”

Read the full article.

MORE: Support BDS? Yes! Condemn ISIS? Nope!

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