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UCLA Prof Urges Those With ‘Jewish Sounding Name’ to Lobby Against Iran Sanctions

Via Washington Free Beacon:

A UCLA professor is urging those who “have a Jewish-sounding name” to lobby their senators against a new bipartisan measure that would level sanctions on Iran.

UCLA professor of public policy Mark Kleiman took to his Washington Monthly blog on Wednesday to urge his readers “to yell at Senate Democrats who support the Iran sanctions bill,” which he characterized as a “lunatic piece of warmongering legislation.”

Kleiman, a frequent contributor to Washington Monthly, said Jewish voters hold the key to convincing Democrats to reverse their support of the bill.

“Please consider making your voice heard especially strongly if you’re Jewish, or have a Jewish-sounding name,” wrote Kleiman, author of the book Marijuana.

Kleiman provides a form letter that his readers with “a Jewish sounding name” can use when they fax their senator.

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