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U of Colorado Mum on Aurora Shooter

Citing privacy concerns, as well as a request for silence from police, the University of C0lorado is declining to release details about the student now being held on charges of mass murder in the Aurora Colorado movie theater shooting. The alleged shooter was in the school’s neuroscience PhD program.

Jacque Montgomery, a spokeswoman for the University of Colorado medical school, said that police have told the school to not talk about Holmes.

The university also took down the website for its graduate neuroscience program on Saturday.

Dan Keeney, president of DPK Public Relations in Dallas, said asking for silence from university employees because of a police investigation was appropriate, but taking down the website was “indefensible” for a publicly funded university unless the school believed it contained inaccurate information relating to the suspect.

“It’s an indefensible action,” he said. “It’s disappointing to hear that they would take that action because it suggests that it’s not in the public’s interest to have access to that information and I think it is in the public’s interest.”

The school took down the neuroscience department’s site at the request of faculty and staff who had privacy concerns, Montgomery said

The University of Colorado also disclosed it was cooperating with police who were looking into whether Holmes used his position as a graduate student to order materials in the potentially deadly booby traps that police said they found in his apartment.

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