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U. Michigan professor postpones exam due to ‘serious stress’ over election results

A University of Michigan professor has postponed an exam after many students emailed him and complained about their “serious stress” over the election results.

John Snodgrass’ psychology class will still meet today, but the previously scheduled exam will now be moved to next week, he told students in an email obtained by The College Fix.

“However one feels about the results of this important election, it’s clear that it (and the period leading up to it) is/has been very distracting and upsetting to many students. Relatedly, I’ve been receiving many emails in recent hours from students requesting to delay the exam due to associated serious stress,” the lecturer wrote to students. “With this in mind, and to give everyone a chance to do their best on the exam, and after consulting with our GSIs and Psychology Administration, I’ve decided to postpone Exam 2 one week (i.e., it will now occur next Weds., Nov. 16).”

“… We WILL still have class today–I’ll begin lecturing on the next topic (Knowledge, Ch. 9). This way, the overall class schedule will remain intact, allowing us to cover the necessary material,” he continued. “I wish you all the best in this tumultuous time, and look forward to seeing you in lecture.”

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