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U. Michigan lecturer’s alleged ‘hate’ assault remarkably similar to others around the country

If there’s one thing about the reports of (alleged) pro-Trump attackers roughing up perceived opponents, it’s how similar they are.

At the University of Michigan, the music department’s Khita Whyatt is one of the latest to claim an attack: She was knocked to the ground a week ago, she says, by a group of four men who were “shouting epithets.”

“I was getting ready to go and lecture,” The Michigan Daily reports “… when I felt something coming at me and when I looked up there were four young men running full-tilt at me with a full-arm body block, arms out, and they told me ‘Go home,’ ” Whyatt said.

“And they slammed me, lifted me in the air and I fell flat on my ass and saw stars.”

Interestingly, a student at the very same school one week prior had claimed a pair of men “yelled at her and pushed her down a hill.”

Elsewhere, a student at Villanova claimed almost exactly the same thing as the two U. Michigan “victims.” At Bowling Green, instead of being knocked down by pro-Trump white guys, a black female student said they threw rocks at her. A University of Louisiana Lafayette student said “two white males, one in a Trump hat” stole her wallet and ripped off her hijab. At Georgetown, another female student reported an incident curiously akin to those at Michigan.

Whyatt claims this wasn’t the first time she had been assaulted at/near UM, saying “People need to understand what’s going on. There’s a lot more hate crimes happening in recent weeks. There needs to be a dialogue […]”

More from the Michigan Daily:

[Whyatt] said in an interview after her testimony on the incident that she did not immediately call the police because she was so shocked, but her department chair contacted the DPSS. Two days after the incident, Whyatt said she was interviewed by two DPSS officers. During her testimony to Council, she called on the University to release a crime report about how she was knocked down and intimidated by unknown assailants. The event follows similar incidents where crime alerts had not been released. The University has released two crime alerts of hate crimes on campus over the past two weeks.

More ‘Trump-inspired’ hate crime hoaxes pop up on campus

Whyatt wrote in an email sent Tuesday afternoon to recipients including University President Mark Schlissel as well as The Michigan Daily that she waited until Saturday morning to report the assault to police because she was disoriented and did not know where to reach out.

“I did wait until Saturday morning to get in touch to report the incident,” Whyatt wrote. “I was in shock and still processing what to do prior to reaching out … it was also obvious that there was no way that these boys were going to be caught. Not being a student, I did not know who to report to. That must seem obvious by the fact that I emailed the head of my department, my dean and the president.”

“Disoriented.” “Shock.” “Still processing.”

Spokeswoman for the U. Michigan DPSS said “We urge everyone to promptly report any incident of possible assault or intimidation to police so we can respond to the scene and search for suspects.”

Read the full piece.

MORE: Villanova student drops case against alleged pro-Trump assailants

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