‘We will not hire any student who chooses to attend Stanford Law School in the future’
Two federal judges announced that they will refuse to hire future law students from Stanford University due to the ongoing problems with free speech on campus.
Judges James Ho and Elizabeth “Lisa” Branch have already announced they will not hire students who from this point forward who decide to enroll at Yale University’s law school. The pair added Stanford graduates after the disruption of a speech by Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Kyle Duncan in March.
The purpose of the boycott is to discourage prospective clerks from attending these elite law schools since their attendance would exclude them from clerking for these two judges.
Ho also sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit while Branch is on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Ho attended Stanford for his undergraduate degree.
Judge Ho stated during an April 1 speech:
What do elite law schools do when they conclude that institutions are failing them? Yale recently called for a boycott of the U.S. News and World Report. And numerous schools have followed suit. Well, imagine that every judge who says they’re opposed to discrimination at Yale and Stanford takes the same path. Imagine they decide that, until the discrimination stops, they will no longer hire from those schools in the future. How quickly do we think those schools would stop discriminating then?
“So Lisa and I have made a decision. We will not hire any student who chooses to attend Stanford Law School in the future,” Ho said, in reference to Judge Branch.
Judge Duncan faced unruly protestors at his March 9 speech at Stanford. Instead of restoring order, the law school’s DEI dean, Tirien Steinbach, appeared to encourage the protests.
In a prepared statement, Steinbach said she was “pained” to inform Duncan that he was “welcome here” at Stanford to give his talk.
But “is the juice worth the squeeze” Steinbach said, an apparent metaphor as to whether Duncan’s right to speak was worth the pain his words would cause students and others, The College Fix previously reported.
Steinbach has since been placed on leave.
MORE: Duncan refuses for calling disruptors ‘idiots’
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