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Trustee says OSU has ‘soul searching’ to do; Gee, others disagree

After months of limited communication from Ohio State officials on NCAA violations committed by the athletic department and football team, some of the biggest names associated with OSU finally addressed the issue.

Their voices were not uniform, however. At least one trustee’s comments drew an immediate rebuke from the chairman and had two other members scrambling to explain his remarks.

Trustee Robert Schottenstein said Thursday that a committee of trustees along with administration will be reviewing the school’s response to the violations during the next 30 to 45 days. Schottenstein, along with President E. Gordon Gee, Board of Trustees chairman Leslie Wexner, and trustee Jerry Jurgensen all made further comments during a final board of trustees meeting Friday.

Jurgensen, the retired chief executive officer of Nationwide Insurance, said the most important thing is not with the policies and rules, but with the cultural work of the university.

“The cracks here weren’t really cracks of rules, procedures, and policies, they were cracks in a value system,” Jurgensen said.

Read the full story at the Ohio State Lantern.

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