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Three American Teens Accused of Murdering Australian College Student (VIDEO)

An Australian student who was studying in the U.S. became the target of a random act of violence.

Three American teenagers allegedly set out to kill someone simply because they were “bored.”

Within hours, the unfortunate victim of a senseless act of violence was 22-year-old Christopher Lane, from Melbourne, Australia.

Australian Player Random Slaying

The victim, Christopher Lane, age 22

Lane was gunned down while jogging in Duncan, Oklahoma, apparently a random target of three young men, James Edwards, Chancey Luna, and Michael Jones, ages 15, 16, and 17, who set out to kill someone in order to “make a name for themselves.”

Officials are investigating whether the killing was gang-related. However, local police chief, Danny Ford, said, “It was just three clowns who got together and decided to kill.”

One of the alleged killers left the following disturbing message on his Facebook page just before the murder took place: “Bang. Two drops in two hours.”

However, parents of two of the accused claim their sons are innocent.

“My son is not that way. My son is a good kid,” said the mother of the 16-year-old accused of pulling the trigger, according to The Herald Sun of Australia.

The eldest of the three teens has confessed to his role in the killing.

Meanwhile, family and friends of the victim have been left devastated.

Lane’s American girlfriend, Sarah Harper, 23, described him as a giving person who would “do anything for anybody.”

“There is not going to be any good come out of this. It was so senseless,” the victim’s father told the Herald.

Lane was studying at East Central University on a baseball scholarship. He had just returned to the U.S. after a two-month visit with his parents back home in Australia.

Little did they know, when their son boarded the plane to return to the U.S, it would be the last time they would ever see him alive.

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(via Drudge)

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