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‘There are two sexes’: Another federal judge halts Biden Title IX rewrite

Ruling stops enforcement of Title IX changes for six more states

Another federal judge blocked President Joe Biden’s rewrite of Title IX that includes transgender ideology.

The ruling today from Chief Judge Danny Reeves follows a decision last Thursday in Louisiana to block the Title IX changes, originally set to go into effect on August 1. The revisions would force females to share locker rooms and restrooms with males who claim to be the opposite sex. It would also force schools to allow males to compete against females.

The ruling stops the Department of Education from enforcing the law in six new states.

“This prior injunction covers the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho,” Alliance Defending Freedom stated in a news release. “And this new injunction from the Kentucky district court covers the states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia.”

“There are two sexes: male and female,” Judge Reeves wrote to open his decision.

The plaintiffs included the Christian Educators Association International and a 15-year-old girl named going by the initials “A.C.”

At issue is another minor, who goes by the initials “B.P.J.” but is obviously Becky Pepper-Jackson. He is an athlete in West Virginia who presents himself as a female.

“B.P.J. was permitted to use the girls’ locker room to change clothes, which prompted A.C. to change clothes elsewhere, as A.C. feels uncomfortable dressing and undressing in the presence of biological males and does not want to see biological males undressing,” Judge Reeves wrote.

“As a practical note, ignoring fundamental biological truths between the two sexes deprives women and girls of meaningful access to educational facilities,” Reeves wrote.

The two would theoretically compete on the same team next year in high school, if Biden’s Title IX changes went into effect. ADF, which represented the plaintiffs, submitted evidence showing Pepper-Jackson “has finished ahead of almost 300 female competitors in three years of competition on the girls’ team.”

Judge Reeves also criticized mandatory pronoun rules, that force teachers to refer to transgender students by the wrong sex, as a threat to free speech.

The legal group’s senior counsel praised the ruling.

“The Biden administration’s radical redefinition of ‘sex’ will upend the equal opportunities that women and girls have enjoyed for 50 years under Title IX and will threaten their safety and privacy at every level,” Senior Counsel Hal Frampton, stated in a news release.

“The court was right to halt the administration’s illegal efforts to rewrite Title IX while this critical lawsuit continues,” Frampton stated. “Our female athlete client has already suffered the humiliation and indignity of being harassed by a male student in the locker room and on her sports team.”

“No one else should have to go through that. We are pleased the court ruled to uphold safety and privacy while this lawsuit continues.”

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IMAGE: Drop of Light/Shutterstock

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