John Hawkins at Townhall.com has put together a list of 20 of the most obnoxious quotes ever from college professors, and it’s a troubling, cringe-worthy look at campus bias. Here’s the first few – if you can stand what you read (and trust us, it’s difficult) head on over to Townhall.com for the rest …
20) We need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is. The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it. — Haunani-Kay Trask, University of Hawaii at Manoa
19) Simply put: Thanksgiving is the day when the dominant white culture (and, sadly, most of the rest of the non-white but non-indigenous population) celebrates the beginning of a genocide that was, in fact, blessed by the men we hold up as our heroic founding fathers. …How does a country deal with the fact that some of its most revered historical figures had certain moral values and political views virtually identical to Nazis? — Robert Jensen, University of Texas at Austin
18) I think it is shameful that it is perceived as legitimate to solicit in an academic institution for support for men and women who have gone overseas to kill other human beings. I understand that there is a residual sympathy for service members, perhaps engendered by support for troops in World War II, or perhaps from when there was a draft and people with few resources to resist were involuntarily sent to battle. That sympathy is not particularly rational in today’s world, however. — Michael Avery, Suffolk University Law School
17) I know they say (Stalin) killed 20, 30, 40 million people. It’s bullsh*t. (I have yet to find) one crime that Stalin committed. — Grover Furr, Montclair State University.
16) The people of the Third World need our sympathetic understanding and, much more than that, they need our help. We can provide them with a margin of survival by internal disruption in the United States. Whether they can succeed against the kind of brutality we impose on them depends in large part on what happens here. — Noam Chomsky, MIT
15) [I] want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick. — Erik Loomis, University of Rhode Island
14) On September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab hijackers too demonstrated their willingness to die – and to kill – for their dream. They died so that their people might live, free and in dignity. — Shahid Alam, Northeastern University
13) If you go to the Republican convention in Florida, you see all of the old Republicans with the dead skin cells washing off them. They’re cheap. They don’t want to pay taxes because they have already raped this country and gotten everything out of it they possibly could. — William S. Penn, Michigan State University
The rest of the list includes all the usual suspects: Ward Churchill, Peter Singer, Bill Ayers, the whole gang’s there.
By the way, this is only the stuff that we know of. Scary thought.
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