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Teresa Sullivan Back as U. Virginia President

The board of the University of Virginia met earlier this week and restored Teresa Sullivan to her post as president of the university. The move followed several days of confusion over why she was fired in the first place, and anger among staff and students who support her. From Inside Higher Ed:

In her speech, Sullivan called for unity from the university community, singling out faculty, students, alumni, the board, and others, telling them why each was a valued member of the community over the past two weeks and why each would be valuable going forward. She addressed incoming students who might be questioning their decision to enroll and faculty members with offers from other universities to reconsider. “We can go forward with what is best for the university only if we go forward together,” she said. She said the university was entering a “special moment” in which it would make itself better, addressing the challenges that have been noted over the past few weeks.

She called for better communication between her and the board going forward.

Following her remarks, the crowd, Sullivan, the board, and others sang the “Good Old Song,” the university’s de facto alma mater.

If they’re singing, it looks like everything turned out okay.

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