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Tea for Texas

After setbacks in recent primary elections, the Tea Party movement achieved a major victory with the win by Ted Cruz in the Texas senate primary race. Cruz is almost certain to win this fall in the increasingly Republican-leaning state, and will replace the retiring Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Early in the race, Cruz was seen as a long shot–up against the wealthy establishment candidate, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. Dewhurst received support from most of the state’s GOP establishment, including governor Rick Perry. But ultimately, the results weren’t even that close, with Cruz winning 56.8% of the vote to Dewhurst’s 43.2.

Cruz is the son of Cuban immigrants. Unlike some early Republicans associated with the Tea Party movement, he has a formidable professional and intellectual background, and has served as a clerk in the U.S. Supreme Court. He holds degrees from Princeton and Harvard Law.

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