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Syracuse student leaders vote for ‘Kiss Cam’ reform, while city considers jailing student drinkers

Following up on our coverage about non-consensual “Kiss Cam” incidents at Syracuse University:

The Student Association passed a resolution Monday asking the administration to pre-determine “the people who would appear on the Kiss Cam” throughout the Carrier Dome, The Daily Orange reports.

They are also concerned about Syracuse Common Council (city government) legislation that would put underage university students behind bars for more than two weeks for drinking off campus:

If passed, the law will be complaint-driven; Syracuse residents could call the Syracuse Police Department if there is excessive noise coming from a house. If the police deem the noise to be extreme and find evidence of underage drinking, they would give the offenders court summons. The penalty would then be up to a judge, who could fine the offenders between $100 and $500 or send them to jail for up to 15 days.

RELATED: Heckler’s veto: Syracuse may ditch ‘kiss cam’ due to single complaint

Councilor Pamela Hunter promised Student Association leaders it’s not as bad as it sounds:

Hunter told [Vice President Jane] Hong and [President Aysha] Seedat that it is unlikely that a first or second offender would go to jail and that it would likely only happen if a situation were completely out of control. Still, Seedat asked Hunter to consider amending the ordinance so first and second offenders would not face imprisonment, but Seedat doesn’t believe that will happen.

The student leaders are planning to talk to the administration soon about “their displeasure” with the jail-time option, and may draft a formal resolution against it, the paper reports.

Read the story.

RELATED: After Syracuse University suspends ‘kiss cam,’ many students cry foul

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