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Survey: 14.5% of Minnesota med students mistreated

At the University of Minnesota Medical School 14.5 percent of students who took a 2010 survey reported experiencing personal mistreatment during their time at the school. The rate was 8.6 percent in 2009 and 13.9 percent the year prior.

Nationally the mistreatment rate is 16.9 percent. Of those mistreated, 23 percent nationally said they’d been required to go shopping, babysit or perform other services for a supervisor — and about 9 percent said they’d experienced an unwanted sexual advance in school. Most didn’t report it for fear of retaliation.

Kathleen Watson, associate dean for students and student learning, said more reporting of mistreatment, mostly verbal harassment, in the medical school shows that students’ awareness has fine-tuned.

Watson, the chairwoman of a committee that meets with mistreated students, said the most common form of abuse she sees is “belittling,” or being made to feel ashamed because of a comment.

The national average for the medical school students who report mistreatment was 16.9 percent in the 2010 survey, administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges. That figure was nearly the same reaching back to 2007, when it was 14.5 percent.

Read the full story at the Minnesota Daily.

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