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Suit challenges Duke police force's power to make arrests

Durham lawyers are challenging Duke police officers’ authority to make arrests due to the University’s long-standing religious ties.

Two local attorneys filed a motion Nov. 23 challenging the arrest power of the Duke University Police Department because of the University’s ties to the state United Methodist Church congregation. Defense attorneys Bill Thomas and James Monroe are asking that an October driving-while-impaired arrest be dismissed and that the court suppress all evidence in the case because they claim the Methodist ties are a violation of the separation of church and state.

Sophomore Thomas “Alex” Holloway, 19, was arrested at 3:54 a.m. Oct. 11 at the corner of Ninth and Main streets for driving while impaired and for underage consumption by DUPD officer Doreen Hogan. Holloway’s court date for traffic violations is scheduled for Dec. 13. Holloway declined to comment and Thomas could not be reached for comment Sunday.

Although the case is not being filed directly against Duke, its outcome could challenge the University police force’s arrest power.

Read the full story at the Duke Chronicle.

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