White Privilege
Politics Racial issues White Privilege Taxpayer-funded NYU study to research why children think white males ‘best exemplify a person’
Federal funds will go toward the main goal of the study: understanding when and how children tend to perceive white males as 'default people.'
Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues White Privilege Yale professor: Biden not taking time off due to COVID ‘epitomizes white supremacy’
He 'sets a bad example for everyone.'
Climate Change Higher Ed Bubble White Privilege Professor: ‘Unbearable’ that white people dominate discussions about ‘climate anxiety’
They 'can take up all the oxygen in the room.'
Analysis Climate Change White Privilege Professor: Climate change is ‘white colonization of the atmosphere’
Merely the latest thing for which to blame those of pallid hue.
LGBTQ Technology White Privilege Professor studies ‘intersectional privilege of white able-bodied heterosexual men in STEM’
White men without disabilities are most privileged, LGBTQ black women with disabilities most excluded.