White Privilege
Activism Racial issues White Privilege Rice University announces plan to move statue of slaveholding school founder
Rice University has announced a plan to move a statue of founder and former slave owner William Marsh Rice from the center of a heavily-used courtyard to a spot near the edges of the lawn.
Activism Racial issues White Privilege To make up for past racism, U. of Maryland spends $1.3M on house for fraternities of color
The University of Maryland has committed $1.3 million to purchase and renovate an empty house on the school’s Fraternity Row to serve as a “space” for “cultural interest fraternities and sororities.”
Opinion Racial issues White Privilege Ivy Leaguer’s advice: Ignore Western standards of professionalism because racism
I mean, c'mon -- why CAN'T people eat during job interviews?
Racial issues Religion White Privilege Princeton renames seminary after black seminarians complain about namesake’s ties to slavery
On January 25, the Princeton Theological Seminary Board of Trustees voted to remove the name of Samuel Miller from the seminary,
Analysis Racial issues White Privilege Schools group ‘People of Color’ conference: ‘Burn Sh** Down,’ be wary of ‘The White People Way’
Looking at an 'independent' school? Be careful.
Analysis Politics White Privilege Race guru Kendi: Jan. 6 not a ‘national emergency’ only because white people were involved
'Bitter joke' in black community that whites can get away with stealing whenever blacks are around