White Privilege
Politics Racial issues White Privilege U. of Oklahoma dedicates full week to diversity, equity and inclusion
On Friday, the University of Oklahoma wrapped up 'DEI Week,' a full five days dedicated to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion on campus.
Analysis Higher Ed Bubble White Privilege Research seeks to eradicate ‘whiteness’ from the realm of physics education
Reconsider gendered social norms, structure of schooling and ... the use of whiteboards??
Legal Racial issues White Privilege Job applicant sues Bridgewater State U. for asking her to ‘defend her whiteness’ in interview
'Black students may not be able to relate to you because of your white privilege.'
Activism Racial issues White Privilege Marquette honors Native Americans by removing Native American from school seal
Marquette University today unveiled a new school seal after Native American activist groups argued the previous seal was disrespectful to Indigenous people.
Activism Racial issues White Privilege Yale moves forward with implementing DEI in all 25 departments on campus
Yale University recently rolled out detailed plans regarding its ongoing effort to embed diversity, equity and inclusion in every aspect of the campus.
Racial issues White Privilege Penn Ph.D. candidate argues ‘freedom’ is a ‘key component of White supremacy’
The concept of “freedom” is “intertwined with whiteness,” according to a University of Pennsylvania graduate student writing in The Washington Post on Thursday.