Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues Technology University to install 400 cameras to catch campus hate crimes
About 24 'hate crimes' since September.
Higher Ed Bubble Technology Student government votes for installation of $20k set of ‘napping stations’
The 'napping pods' would allow students to catch 20 minutes of sleep in the library.
Analysis Politics Technology Oxford study: Hillary Clinton would be president if fewer robots were in the workplace
Workers' concerns similar to those of 18th-19th century Luddites.
Bias Legal Technology PragerU sues YouTube, Google for blacklisting its conservative educational videos
‘We have to do this for God and country.'
Analysis Opinion Technology The REAL gender gap: Men lag in humanities, languages, graduate fields of study
Cue the women's groups: B-b-b-b-but ... what about STEM??
Free Speech Technology Pomona College probes students’ crass (and secret) Facebook posts as student code violation
'meme group rise to the level of a bias-related incident ...'