Analysis LGBTQ Sports UPenn student paper ‘news’ article refers to groups protesting Lia Thomas as ‘transphobic’
They 'championed transphobic rhetoric' ... 'deadnamed' and 'misgendered' Thomas.
LGBTQ Sports Technology ‘She took first’: Social media commenters say UVA freshman is best swimmer, not Lia Thomas
Emma Weyant came in second place in the 500 yard freestyle championships, losing to Lia Thomas.
Politics Racial issues Sports HBCU officials wonder: Is March Madness biased against black colleges?
The seeding committees should come see 'how hard we play and how hard we work.'
LGBTQ Sports Ivy League parents fearful to speak out publicly as Lia Thomas dominates their daughters
Lia Thomas continues to trounce the competition -- and parents fear speaking their minds.