Sex Ed
K-12 Education Sex Ed Texas school district unanimously approves Planned Parenthood’s graphic, hands-on sex-ed curriculum
Speaker says it 'violates multicultural family values'
Sex Ed Sexual Assault Technology Researchers promote sex robots that can turn down sex with their owners
Law professor who warned that Congress must regulate sexbots is highly skeptical.
Abortion/Pro-life Religion Sex Ed Catholic university president under fire from faculty for removing Planned Parenthood from website
Women and Gender Studies faculty denounce him; some professors post PP logo on their office doors.
Higher Education Sex Ed Drexel University professor spends ‘hundreds of thousands’ of dollars in research funds at local strip clubs
Must pay back one-third of what he spent on dancers
Abortion/Pro-life Religion Sex Ed Catholic university president promises to remove Planned Parenthood from campus resources
Another Catholic college refuses to remove the abortion provider, however, because it's 'purely secular.'