Racial issues
Political Correctness Racial issues Yale puts up plaque at Ezra Stiles College to honor the three people ‘controlled’ by him
The 'name games' continue at the Ivy League school.
Activism Politics Racial issues Black Lives Matter’s Deray Mckesson now a U. Chicago Institute of Politics Fellow
Move pleases the 'several students' who had criticized the IOP for its 'lack of diversity.'
Racial issues White Privilege Public university to host whites-only student retreat on ‘white privilege’
Students will learn how to 'take action against racism.'
K-12 Education Racial issues Black mom fumes when white teacher does her kid’s hair (because she was hot)
She 'just wanted to get her hands in some Black hair.'
Free Speech Racial issues Smith College retaliates against ‘white supremacist’ profs who question admissions standards
Latina student under academic review wants to practice social work that isn't 'oppressive and redactive.'
Free Speech Racial issues Technology Latino students booted from online support groups for expressing conservative views
'Some of the worst attacks from the left are reserved for minorities who dare to be conservative.'