Racial issues
LGBTQ Political Correctness Racial issues Georgetown gay group apologizes for member’s talent show ‘racial insensitivity’
No good deed goes unpunished.
Activism Curriculum Racial issues Texas A&M ‘anti-racism’ group demands mandatory ‘racism awareness’ classes
'Racial justice is just as important as mathematics, English and science, and needs to be treated as such.'
Bias Greek Life Racial issues Black student leaders at Mizzou threaten to burn down fraternity house in racial spat
Police officer heard no 'disparaging remarks' coming from Delta Upsilon house.
Free Speech Politics Racial issues Students write ‘Build the wall’ on free speech wall, Ohio U. president freaks out (again)
Roderick McDavis wants to mandate 'cultural awareness training' because wall is being used for 'wrong purpose.'
Activism Racial issues East Tennessee St. student faces civil rights intimidation charges for taunting BLM in gorilla mask
Handed out 'noose-wrapped' bananas from a bag with a Confederate flag on it.
Activism Curriculum Racial issues ‘Stop f*cking clapping!’ DePauw protesters yell at crowd as it applauds their activism
'It was very shocking and upsetting when the student body ... decided to clap at our struggle, our voices.'