Racial issues
Free Speech Political Correctness Racial issues Sorry for calling you ‘idiots’ because you deny microaggressions, Northwestern president says
'Even when apologizing, Northwestern’s president can’t resist strawmen arguments.'
Activism Racial issues Black Lives group at Michigan State U. advocates ‘accelerating and exaggerating all actions’
'... and do so unapologetically.'
Legal Racial issues Four arrested for beating HS student who had supported police in Black Lives Matter argument
All four were former students at the school.
Politics Racial issues Sexual Assault Professor/activist to student voters: If Donald Trump wins, ‘we can potentially go to war’
College students 'should understand that this is life and death.'
Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues University students say science should be ‘scratched’ — because ‘colonization and racism’
Witchcraft is like Isaac Newton's theory of gravity -- just one explanation of many.
Free Speech Political Correctness Racial issues U. Georgia ‘hate preacher’ incident shows inherent silliness of the politically correct ‘hierarchy’
Who's supposed to be more sympathetic?