Racial issues
Activism Racial issues Student leader says ‘black-on-black crime is not a thing,’ wants to censor those who say it is
Apparently missed Obama's town hall comments: 'Both the victims and the perpetrators are young black men.'
Curriculum Political Correctness Racial issues Harvard English Dept. wants mandatory course on authors ‘marginalized for historical reasons’
Reasons such as -- what else? -- 'racism, patriarchy, and heteronormativity.'
Activism Anti-Semitism Racial issues U. Michigan students protest due to school president not preventing ALL hateful acts on campus
Job requirement for modern college presidents: omniscience.
Curriculum Political Correctness Racial issues College pledges to hire professors based on skin color, mandates social-justice workshops
Women-only Barnard hasn't decided whether diverse new faculty will be adjuncts or tenured, though.
Activism Opinion Racial issues Ohio U. students ‘occupy’ campus building, shout ‘F*** the white police!’
White students told to sit outside of the gathering to 'protect' minority students.