Racial issues
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues San Diego State U. Native American group wants school’s ‘Aztec’ mascot eliminated
Mascot 'embodies the existence of institutionalized racism.'
Curriculum Political Correctness Racial issues University writing center combats ‘racist … unjust language structures’
Social justice trumps proper grammar.
Activism Racial issues Black students at Andrews University issue set of demands, administration cowers dutifully
Ultimatum of one week to issue 'statement of apology' for its 'systemic racism.'
LGBTQ Opinion Racial issues ‘Trans-racial’ Rachel Dolezal living on food stamps, can only get work in reality TV and porn
Race 'was always a social construct.'
Bias Politics Racial issues Student loses election after anonymous flyer says her Trump vote makes her racist
'When the radical left has no ideas, they resort [to] leveling these baseless charges,' defeated candidate says.