Racial issues
Greek Life Politics Racial issues Mizzou student election proves racism and sexism because white man won, critics say
Some senators are reportedly already talking about impeachment.
Free Speech Political Correctness Racial issues Free speech resolution withdrawn at Bucknell, where professor called Milo organizers ‘fascists’
University already protects 'the essence of the resolution,' spokesman says.
Activism Free Speech Racial issues Guess which departments refuse to sign faculty free-speech principles at Middlebury
'These departments never hire professors who vary from the party line. Never.'
Feminism Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues Public university hosts library ‘nap-ins’ to help students dream about diversity
'The maze is sort of a metaphor for the general path to diversity.'
Activism Politics Racial issues University pays Black Lives Matter activist to call Donald Trump names for ‘Unity Week’
'Unfortunate' that student leaders brought someone 'that only causes division between groups of people.'
Feminism Political Correctness Racial issues Students of color: White girls wearing hoop earrings oppress and exploit Latina, Black women
White girls told to 'take off' their hoop earrings.