Racial issues
K-12 Education Racial issues School’s spring concert pamphlet brings charges of racism, civil rights investigation
'Rekindles bad memories' of white teachers reading 'Little Black Sambo' decades ago.
K-12 Education Racial issues Middle school ‘blackface’ incident leads to ‘aggressive’ staff racial sensitivity training
Social media outrage after kid dresses up as Brazilian soccer player.
Bias Legal Racial issues Princeton frowned upon minority applicants who weren’t stereotypical enough, docs show
'I felt like I was being asked to lie if I told Asian kids they did not face discrimination in the process.'
Bias Legal Racial issues Historically black college must pay white professor nearly $5 million for racial discrimination
Treated her the same as a convicted child molester it had fired earlier.
Bias Racial issues Suffolk University follows through with mandated microaggression training for faculty
Training instituted after student felt offended.