Racial issues
Free Speech Politics Racial issues Far-left campus activists shut down Florida bill that would protect speech from shutdowns
Sponsor offers narrowed version that explicitly protects counterprotests, to no avail.
Curriculum Racial issues Scholars defend ‘African American English,’ from Ebonics to slang to improper grammar
'Talking Black in America' documentary ...
Activism Racial issues When white supremacists don’t show, UNC protesters repeat demand to remove ‘Silent Sam’ statue
How convenient they had the anti-statute chant 'Do it like Durham' ready to deploy so quickly.
Bias Racial issues White Privilege White female educators trained how to ‘overcome’ bias against black males
'The State of the White Woman Teacher.'
Politics Racial issues Princeton prof defends canceling class after his use of n-word upset students
Students 'should move ahead with another course,' professor says.