Racial issues
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues University lecturer visits ‘Conceptions of White’ art exhibit
'After all ... who has thought less about whiteness than white people?'
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Drake U. diversity training has ‘opposite effect,’ leaves students ‘traumatized’
Provost for campus equity & inclusion was filled with 'grief' at the results ...
Legal Racial issues Court dismisses white biblical scholar’s lawsuit alleging race discrimination in hiring
Judge said scholar did not 'plausibly argue' hiring committee knew he was white.
Opinion Political Correctness Racial issues VA Tech students frustrated wall once named for lowly Confederate soldier still stands
Frank Hume was a social activist who served as a private in the Confederate Army,
Activism Racial issues ‘Penntrification’ protesters shut down Penn’s convocation speech to demand low-income housing
Penn refused to purchase property so residents could stay in nearby affordable housing.