Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Politics Even top George W. Bush official let his Harvard students slack off after Trump win
'I could almost see the Facebook posts of certain family members' taking 'sick pleasure' in Harvard's freakout.
Activism Politics Racial issues Cornell prof wants general strike of black professionals, artists and academics due to Trump win
'We’re facing an intensified form of white supremacy — we call it Trumpism.'
Activism Analysis Feminism Student loses it after confrontation with Trump voter: ‘You voted for a rapist!’ (VIDEO)
Tempers flare as U. Michigan students clash over election.
Legal Politics Sexual Assault Forget the election: The fight for due process on campus is still raging
Several court cases are still playing out that could determine the rights of accused students.
Curriculum Political Correctness Politics Columbia and Barnard host at least five safe spaces following Trump’s election victory
'I want no class tomorrow to process. Fearful for my life!! Not trying to do a midterm while crying.'