Abortion/Pro-life Political Correctness Politics U. Virginia students, profs tell school president to stop quoting Thomas Jefferson
No 'acknowledgment of the atrocities he committed'
Activism Politics Technology Student reporter gets a not-so-subtle threat: ‘STOP FILMING’ anti-Trump protests
Higher Education Politics Rudy Giuliani: The ‘real left-wing loonies’ on campus are professors, not students
'Most kids aren't crying,' Trump adviser points out.
Politics Racial issues Post-election anti-Latino message at Elon U. turns out to be a hoax … by a Latino student
Expect to see similar incidents in the coming weeks.
Activism K-12 Education Politics California high school teacher attacked by student during ‘chaotic’ anti-Trump protest
The teacher 'that got punched w[as] trying to block the hall but it didn’t work out.'