Feminism Opinion Politics Student kicked out of class for disagreeing that Trump election was as bad as 9/11
'I have never been so disgusted in my life.'
Activism Politics Blowback: Hundreds sign U. Michigan petition blasting anti-Trump protests, school president remarks
Petition author says school 'has not fostered conversations respectful of all ideologies.'
K-12 Education Politics Racial issues Maryland superintendent gets heat for post-election ‘anti-white’ tweet
Show your ... 'non-white students that you love them and will protect them!'
Politics Sexual Assault Harvard bribes student groups to undergo sexual assault prevention training by biased office
Same office that said 'innocent until proven guilty' is used to 'silence' rape victims.
Activism Bias Political Correctness Ivy League students, faculty demand campuses become sanctuaries for students in country illegally
Brown, Yale and Harvard: Sanctuary campuses?