Free Speech Higher Ed Bubble Politics Wisconsin lawmakers force students to pay for sex toys, undermine their free speech
Provisions to save students money and protect their speech get axed by legislative committee.
Activism K-12 Education Politics Thanks, progressives: Education Secretary DeVos requires costly security measures
Price tag: One million dollars per month.
Higher Ed Bubble Opinion Politics Fresno State prof tweets: Trump ‘must hang,’ Republicans ‘executed’ for deportations
It's perfectly OK -- he's a lefty!
Free Speech Legal Politics ‘Suspend them’: How Walter Williams would deal with ‘students who are raising hell’
Veteran economics professor denounces 'cowardly act' of proselytizing students during award speech.
Free Speech Legal Politics Calif. bill would provide whistleblower protection to students who record classroom activity
Ensure that professors don't use their authority to silence those with differing opinions.
Free Speech Politics Chop federal funding if colleges won’t sign ‘pledge’ to respect free speech, lawmakers told
Lawmaker compares campus bureaucrats to George Wallace for 'refusing to follow the Constitution.'