K-12 Education LGBTQ Politics Reporting on Trump’s transgender bathroom reversal has been deeply ignorant at best
Obama administration's guidance had no force of law, flouted legal procedure, and was already suspended.
Opinion Politics Racial issues Student op-ed on age of Trump: We’re living in ‘occupied territory,’ continued Manifest Destiny
'Make America Great Again' appealed to those who felt their social status was under attack ...
Free Speech Politics Columbia clamps down on Dinesh D’Souza talk after campus riot against Israeli ambassador
Vast numbers of students with confirmed registrations were barred from entering.
Activism Free Speech Politics Campus free speech commitment would become law in Gov. Scott Walker’s budget
'Only conduct that prevents others from exercising their free speech rights would be prohibited.'
Free Speech Politics Sexual Assault Law professor who slammed kangaroo courts could lead Trump’s education civil rights office
Gail Heriot tried to stop a funding increase for an office she accused of 'frequently over-stepping the law.'
Activism Anti-Semitism Politics Columbia students shout down Israel’s ambassador to UN because he’s a ‘cheerleader for Trump’
'This was like a smorgasbord of slogans, all jumbled together,' says critic.