Bias Higher Ed Bubble Politics With speaker series, Scripps College ‘valorizes a totalitarian regime’
The school hosted an apologist for the Venezuelan government regime.
Activism Free Speech Politics College Republicans find a better way to get their message out: fake Antifa website
And fake Antifa flyers 'stay up longer than our regular posters, which get torn down very quickly.'
Bias K-12 Education Politics Elementary school fundraiser: Toss beanbags at President Trump’s tombstone
Parent who brought in game says no 'malicious intent' nor 'political agenda.'
Anti-Semitism Politics University chancellor criticizes anti-Israel newspaper cartoon as ‘appalling,’ ‘offensive’
The editorial caricature is accused of being anti-Semitic.
Abortion/Pro-life Politics Religion Georgetown University refuses to deny that it invests in abortion providers
Multiple officials at Georgetown have refused to say the Catholic university does not invest in abortion providers.