Activism Anti-Semitism Politics New George Washington U. student group seeks to embrace ‘tradition of left-wing radicalism’
Cares about the 'oppressed,' but features photo of Fidel Castro on its Facebook page.
Bias Free Speech Politics University that threatened to discipline students for pro-Trump chalking finally junks speech codes
Expressing opinions 'even on controversial questions ... cannot be the subject of disciplinary sanctions.'
Politics Second Amendment Citing ‘risk,’ college cancels Second Amendment activist’s speech hours before it begins
Campus officials had previously approved event; the school subsequently deemed it 'too controversial.'
Politics Religion Sexual Assault Republican college funding bill requires due process in Title IX proceedings, religious freedom
'Is Hillel really a Jewish organization if it must allow people of other faiths to hold leadership?'
Political Correctness Politics Native American student group accuses Polynesian dance group of ‘appropriating Hawaiian and Tahitian culture’
'There is no room for compromise'