Higher Education Politics Universities scrub donor’s name from campus due to sexual misconduct accusations
Donor has not been convicted of allegations; university removed his name less than a week after claims surfaced
Free Speech Politics Religion University of South Dakota banned screening of Muslim genital mutilation film because it was ‘controversial’
Administration claims students don't need statutory protections because it recently changed speech policy.
Activism Free Speech Politics After University of Nebraska censors pro-capitalism club, lawmakers offer bills to protect free speech
University's new 'commitment' to protect free speech isn't enough to protect student rights, group testifies.
Higher Ed Bubble Politics Sexual Assault Student faces expulsion after publishing evidence-free list of alleged campus sexual assaulters
The list called out dozens of students by name but offered no evidence of its claims.
Free Speech Legal Politics Georgetown professor who harassed pro-Trump Muslim now under German probe for ‘Nazi’ insults
Claims German police invented a pretext to punish an 'Ugly American.'