Activism Free Speech Politics University of Kansas flies defaced flag, puts inside museum after students call it ‘disgusting’
Public university claims it's acting in the interest of 'public safety,' but offers no evidence of threats.
Free Speech Legal Politics Conservative students sue public university for its ‘total discretionary power’ over their speakers
‘Universities are meant to be a marketplace of ideas, and the marketplace isn't free.’
Abortion/Pro-life Legal Politics Yale-educated Supreme Court nominee ‘is a threat’ to Yale students and alumni, they say
'People will die if he is confirmed.'
Opinion Politics Sexual Assault Sanity: A court rules that UMich student accused of rape must be allowed to face his accuser
Kangaroo courts should not be allowed to stand.
Activism Political Correctness Politics Florida State University offers students ‘social justice’ living community
Students are taught the benefits of a ‘healthy ethnic identity' and how to effect ‘positive sustainable change.’