Politics 19-year-old who saw senior year disrupted by COVID shutdowns unseats incumbent in school board race
Won by an overwhelming 17-point margin.
Abortion/Pro-life Activism Politics Pro-life student hosts conference on ‘unethical and barbaric’ aborted fetal tissue research
'The most helpless individuals' are the victims of experimentation, organizer says.
Curriculum Free Speech Politics AAUP calls for papers regarding conservative attempts at squelching academic freedom
Opposition to critical race theory is an 'attempt to reenergize white-settler narratives'
Analysis Legal Politics Students sue for ‘adequate’ civics education; claim Jan. 6 was result of lack thereof
Partisan hackery masquerading as a legal claim
Abortion/Pro-life Free Speech Politics Christian university disinvites presidential historian due to Planned Parenthood links
'Overall his beliefs and core values do not align with those' of the university