Politics Racial issues White Privilege Taxpayer-funded NYU study to research why children think white males ‘best exemplify a person’
Federal funds will go toward the main goal of the study: understanding when and how children tend to perceive white males as 'default people.'
Abortion/Pro-life Analysis Politics Penn student paper: Roe v. Wade reversal a ‘gut punch’ to campus community
'America is going back to medieval times.'
Activism Curriculum Politics Illinois activists organize to stop Young America’s Foundation from recruiting students
Indivisible Illinois said YAF students ‘spread the word about white nationalism’
Free Speech Legal Politics Limited government action may be needed to protect free speech, law professor argues
Jonathan Turley discussed his recently published analysis in an interview with The College Fix.
Higher Education Politics Cosigning for student loans comes with big risks and big burdens, experts say
Default or worse can push relatives into avoidable debt.