Political Correctness
DEI K-12 Education Political Correctness School district may ditch graduation ceremonies in name of ‘equity’
Better for those 'who have been, and are currently, underserved by the education system.'
Feminism Political Correctness ‘Threatening’ to women: UC Berkeley condemns professor for dating advice
'You’ll be shocked by the stark differences in behavior of women in places where women are plentiful versus their behavior within artillery distance of San Jose and San Francisco.'
Art and Culture Political Correctness University museum: Paintings of British countryside could elicit ‘dark nationalist feelings’
Imply 'only those with a historical tie to the land have a right to belong.'
Curriculum Opinion Political Correctness More classics removed from the classroom … because SOME book ‘bans’ are A-OK
Can't read a racial slur, but viewing porn ... is fine?
Activism Political Correctness Barnard College seniors threaten to withhold donations if demands not met
How much money do recent college graduates have, anyway?