Political Correctness
LGBTQ Political Correctness Racial issues Harvard awards grant to group for ‘relieving stress experienced by Black students and staff through music’
The Harvard Culture Lab has awarded a group a grant for “relieving stress experienced by Black students and staff through music,” according to a recent announcement by the school.
Analysis Opinion Political Correctness ‘Brainstorm’ on new list of words to avoid: ‘insensitive’ to those with brain injuries
Yes, they're totally serious.
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Stanford U. officials alert students to ‘potential nooses’ hanging on campus
Oh: They'd been there for almost 2 years and likely are an 'abandoned swing or rope ladder.'
Legal Political Correctness Racial issues Fordham U. fires professor after mixing up the names of two black students
One of the students complained prof gave the impression of a 'white savior complex'
Higher Ed Bubble LGBTQ Political Correctness Students at women’s college want admissions change to allow ‘non-binary’ individuals
'Pretty offensive to exclude nonbinary people'
Legal Opinion Political Correctness High school student sues school over suspension for believing in gender binary
Plaintiff 'denies and will continue to deny' there are genders beyond male and female