Political Correctness
Activism Curriculum Political Correctness Berkeley students protest white professor who rapped ‘stop scapegoating cops’ in class
Professor also told class black-on-black crime is the real harm facing the black community.
Feminism Political Correctness Sexual Assault Student who believes Columbia ‘mattress girl’ scolds peers for silencing dissent
Activists have made Emma Sulkowicz a 'figurehead' and denied students 'the space to believe anything outside the norm.'
Activism Political Correctness University’s plans for monument to ‘occupy’ protesters sparks shock, outrage
Petition calls for plans to be shelved, wealthy alumni threaten to withhold donations.
Activism Political Correctness Politics Wisconsin College Republicans called ‘c*nts,’ ‘ignorant’ for defending Walker
A plea by College Republicans to keep an open mind about Gov. Walker and his budget plan elicits vulgar assault against them.